Thursday, March 15, 2012

Homemade deep water culture hydroponic setup

 Ok, so here is the new hydroponic thing I set up. It is a deep water culture, but a smaller one.
Here is the net pot I used:

Then found some sort of growing chamber. Could be anything plastic, or glass, or infact anything that would hold water and be safe for plants. This case it was a butter bowl/container. Take the lid and place the net pot upside down on top of it and trace it with a sharpie. Then cut out the circle and the net pot should slide right in.

Then for this type of hydroponics (deep water culture) you need a air pump, tubing, and air stone of some sort. This time I used a fish tank air pump.

Then put the growing medium in the net pot. I used small rocks that would provide decent gaps for roots to grow in. But sponges (like with AG's) could be used. Along with many other things. There are even these small round things that are sold for this reason called hydroton that could be used and are probably your best bet for this type of thing where there are no sponges fitted for the net pot.

Put it wherever you want it (remember the plants need light ;) ) Then fill it up with water (I use spring for everything, because it is clean)

And there you go